Solo Album

Album | 2022
Rhapsody of New York
Rhapsody of New York
Coming Back as a Man
Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man of Mine
Love on Top
Cry Today, Smile Tomorrow
Jet Set
Fly Me to the Moon
Do I Love You?
Around the World
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love)
Here and Now
Are you Havin’ Any Fun?
Someone Like You
New York State of MInd

Kim Newcomb is an active voice teacher, coach, and learning track producer based out of Baltimore, Maryland. She has always had a love for music and an interest in helping others find their voice. Kim attended the University of North Texas and holds a bachelor’s degree in Vocal Music Education. She has a wide array of experience singing and teaching all genres of music, but her most favorite to perform is barbershop. Kim has sung in both barbershop quartets and choruses at an internationally competitive level, and serves as a clinician at harmony camps and educational events all over the world. She currently sings Baritone in the 2023 Sweet Adelines International champion quartet, The Ladies.
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